Businesses get awesome reputations and long lasting customers from having a memorable brand image and a solid marketing guide! So here at DDL Advertising we...
Are You Socially Savvy? Tips For Building A Strong Social Media Presence
Are you looking to build your social media presence and drive more traffic to your business’s storefront? DDL Advertising is here to help by offering...
6 Helpful Halloween Tips
From candy eyeballs to gummy flesh fries, there certainly are some strange Halloween candies out there. National candy brands like Kit Kat and Twizzlers have...
How Halloween Became A $9 Billion Dollar Industry
It’s that time of the year again where the ghouls and goblins come out for a scare, but how did Halloween really originate? Many believe...
5 Reasons the Resume is Dying Due to Digital Personal Branding
The Resume is Fading… It is without doubt that the traditional resume is beginning to dissolve in thin air as efforts shift to digital personal...
Market Trends: 2018 Small Business Tips
Ring in 2018 with Small Business Success! With the quick arrival of the New Year, the time has come to shift your focus from cracking...