Every year we are becoming increasingly dependent on the internet and are morphing into an online world. 2020 has only exacerbated this trend with the emergence of Coronavirus and social distancing polices. We have been presented with a unique set of challenges, as the traditional methods that have been relied upon for years are no longer viable, or standard. Reductions in operating hours, smaller workforces, and a shift in consumer behavior has nearly every industry making adjustments to reach their target audiences through new channels.
At DDL, we have experienced a surge in demand for email marketing services. Our clients are eager to engage with the nearly 85% of Americans who are active on the internet. Lack of readership is not the hurdle with email marketing: standing out from the crowded competition is. With the right strategy and proper execution, email campaigns can be an effective way of staying relevant and in the top of mind of target consumers.
What is the anatomy of a well constructed email blast? In short, it is a matter of following basic design principles. Use appropriate sizing and formatting, keep the messaging concise, emphasize one or two elements, and let the call-to-actions do the heavy lifting. Beyond that, design should always be consistent with brand standards and be immediately recognizable.
Below are a number of examples of emails we built for our clients that achieved noteworthy success. We took blank canvases consisting only of text and transformed these messages into beautiful emails that are engaging, eye-catching, and on brand.
Bryant University:
Higher education was one of the first sectors of industry to shut it’s doors. Bryant transitioned from offering a mix of in-person and online classes to holding online classes exclusively. In order to inform prospective students of class offerings and the ability to enroll for upcoming online courses, we assisted Bryant University with carefully curated emails.
The Results:
Bryan University’s emails were a huge success. They constantly would outperform industry averages for open rate and click through rate. This can be attributed, without question, to an easy to read message with a clean design and direct call to action.
High Education standard averages (provided by Constant Contact): Open Rate: 19.56%, Click Rate: 6.93%
Dent Concepts:
We helped Dent Concepts, a national leader in the automative paintless dent repair industry, with a variety of different messages. Below are examples of weather updates, storm warnings, news bulletins and methods of contacting a Dent Concepts representative to schedule a repair.
Dent Concepts performed exceedingly well. Their open rates were well above industry averages, and the click rate would surpass the industry standard by double digit points on a routine basis.
Paul Masse Chevrolet:
DDL has long been the go-to marketing, PR, and advertising specialist for Paul Masse Chevrolet. Over the past several months of 2020 DDL has designed and launched numerous email blasts for their dealership. Messaging ranges from promotional offers, service specials, safety messaging, PR, and general news.